Empowerment through Fitness with S.L.A.M. Quantico

S.L.A.M., Sweat Like A Mother, is a fitness movement dedicated to empowering women through exercise, sisterhood, and a beacon of support. S.L.A.M. Quantico caters to both military personnel and spouses, led by certified instructors with expertise in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

I initially had the privilege of connecting with S.L.A.M. Quantico in April 2022, which led to me teaching a monthly core and pelvic floor class. Our monthly class expounds on a combination of targeted exercises and breath work that focuses on rebuilding strength, improving posture, and enhancing overall function and well-being. The foundation of this class is for women to embrace their strength, embrace their bodies, and embrace each other through movement and teamwork. 

We know that pregnancy and postpartum recovery brings about profound changes in a woman's body, both physically and emotionally. This class allows me to give tips to enhance their weekly workout routines with an extra emphasis on mind-body connection to manage or prevent pelvic floor dysfunction. Some of the classes offered at S.L.A.M. include cardio kickboxing, barre, weight lifting, and high intensity interval training. 

One of the most remarkable aspects of S.L.A.M. Quantico is its ability to forge connections among women with shared experiences through family outings, meal trains for newly postpartum members, and a book club to name a few. In the crucible of military life, where resilience is paramount, S.L.A.M. Quantico stands a testament to the power of community, connection, and sweat. We don't just sweat like mothers, we thrive like warriors!